Financial Bootcamp

Consulting Services

Jordi Accounting and Tax focuses on your financial future.

Accounting goes beyond just numbers and involves knowledge, planning and effective strategy.  Realizing our clients were in need of solutions to their overall financial health led us to introduce our consulting program FINANCIAL BOOTCAMP.  Jordi Accounting and Tax offers this bootcamp for those that want to grow their company but aren't sure where to start and what steps to take.

FINANCIAL BOOTCAMP is a three tier program: Annual Physical, Core Financial Strength and Ultimate Bootcamp designed to give you as little or as much guidance as your business requires.

Annual Physical

This part of the FINANCIAL BOOTCAMP looks at your annual statements and does a full ratio analysis to identify your company's strength and weaknesses.  Some of the things we look at include:

  • Are your accounts receivables too high?
  • Are you carrying too much debt?
  • Are you effectively managing your inventory?

Core Financial Strength

This part of the FINANCIAL BOOTCAMP builds upon the Annual Physical and strives to take your business to the next level. This program is a 12 month commitment by you to your business. Jordi Accounting and Tax will work with you to create strategies that will help you strengthen your financial core. This program includes the above Annual Physical plus:

  • Collaborative goal setting
  • Quarterly consultation to ensure benchmarks are being met
  • Personalized quarterly progress reports

Ultimate Financial Bootcamp

The ULTIMATE BOOTCAMP is not for the weak at heart. This bootcamp could encompass a total overhaul for existing companies or it could set the foundation for a start up. This program incorporates the Annual Physical and Core Financial Strength plus:

  • Onsite systems review and analysis
  • Cashflow analysis and profit forecasting
  • Implement and enforce necessary changes to improve efficiency and profitability

Broaden Your Bottom... in a good way!!!

Ready to find out more about Jordi Accouting + Tax?

Contact us today and let's talk about creating an accounting oasis for you!